A Framework for
Positive Change
Wine Growers Canada
releases Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion Framework
By Asha Hingorani, director of government and public affairs, Wine
Growers Canada and Sara Presutto, executive VP, human resources,
Andrew Peller Limited
On March 8, which marked International Women’s Day
globally, Wine Growers Canada (WGC) released its Diver-sity,
Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Framework.
WGC is the national voice of wine in Canada. Created in 1967,
as the Canadian Wine Institute, WGC represents large, medium
and small wineries across Canada. WGC member wineries are
responsible for over 92 per cent of all wine produced in Canada,
including 100 per cent Canadian, Vintners Quality Alliance wines
and International-Domestic Blended wine products. With growing
membership across Canada, WGC took the opportunity to take a
leadership role in the development of a framework for the industry.
WGC’s longstanding vision is to be “an inclusive, accessible,
knowledgeable and responsive organization committed to sustain-able
domestic and international success for the Canadian wine
industry.” This vision and WGC’s values are a driving force behind
the creation of the DE&I Framework.
The DE&I Framework commits WGC to take action on driving
DE&I within its own organizational structures, but also encour-ages
this action within the Canadian wine industry more broadly,
by taking a leadership role. A permanent WGC DE&I Advisory
Committee will be established, comprised of diverse individuals
who work in all areas of the industry – from vineyard to winery – to
advise on and recommend on-going DE&I initiatives and actions
to be undertaken by WGC. WGC also commits to providing its
membership with resources, to assist them in the implementation
of inclusive practices in the workplace.
Sara Presutto, executive VP, human resources, Andrew Peller
Limited, will serve as the DE&I chair. Presutto is a firm believer
in equality and recognizes that society, and companies, still have
work to do to achieve this goal. She has furthered DE&I efforts at
both Starbucks Canada and now at Andrew Peller, and is excited
to work at the industry level to have an impact.
Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion Framework
Wine Growers Canada’s (WGC) longstanding vision
is to be “an inclusive, accessible, knowledgeable and
responsive organization committed to sustainable
domestic and international success for the Canadian
wine industry.” This vision and WGC’s values are a
driving force to create a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
(DE&I) Framework.
The DE&I Framework aims to support diversity within
the workplace, organizational structures and within the
wider Canadian wine industry. Through this Framework,
WGC will encourage action on DE&I within and across
the Canadian wine industry, and provide leadership to
build a better employee experience for those working in
all facets of the industry – from the vineyard to the tasting
room and beyond.
DE&I is increasingly important in creating high-performing
teams, attracting talent and meeting
consumer expectations. Diverse teams in the workplace
provide a different set of perspectives, thoughts, beliefs
and ideas, which provide a wider range of insights on
various business challenges and opportunities. This
applies just as much in the vineyard as to those working
in the wine cellar, the warehouse, the tasting room or
the corporate office. As WGC and its members commit
to this framework, and to the actions that flow from it, it
is hoped a cascading effect will result, whereby partners
and suppliers are held to these standards too.
Diversity is an all-encompassing term which refers to
both the visible and invisible ways in which people differ,
with respect to gender, race, age, ethnicity, language,
religion, disability, sexual orientation, education and
national origin.
Equity acknowledges that barriers and disadvantages
exist as a result of diversity, and commits to correct
this imbalance.
Inclusion refers to ensuring people with different
identities are welcomed, and that opportunities are
accessible to them.
The WGC DE&I Framework will guide the Canadian wine
industry towards greater diversity and inclusion, making
employees feel respected and valued. A Canadian
wine industry whose employees feel welcomed are
more committed to their work and more motivated to
achieve the highest levels of employee engagement
and performance. This framework will help the industry
become an even more socially responsible sector.
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