Robinson plans to hold a tasting event each month, once pandemic restrictions permit
Enjoy Craft subscribers are mailed a box of unique wine, craft beer or spirits from different
regions to sample each month
“What is interesting is the support we
are seeing for people to want to try prod-ucts
from other areas – people in Alberta
wanting boxes of assorted craft beers from
B.C., or people in B.C. wanting to try whis-kies
from Saskatchewan,” Robinson said.
“They want to explore different brands,
different products within those brands
and perhaps different ways to buy them.
One thing I found about craft that is so
unique is that they have the ability to
direct-sell their products, and they really
need to take advantage of that.
“What I’ve tried to do in all our plat-forms
is something that I call ‘try, learn
and buy.’ We have a digital media direc-tory
that is a centrepiece of Enjoy Craft,
which is where you find out who’s in your
neighbourhood or is in an area you may
want to go.”
Robinson believes some people may
be a bit confused about what exactly
‘craft’ is and how it differs from the larger
beverage producers.
“That could be due to the proliferation
of products, there’s just so much out there,”
said Robinson. “We see ourselves as a
consolidator of that wealth of information,
letting people know what is available.”
Robinson says the Enjoy Craft online
directory now includes hundreds of list-ings
for craft beverage businesses in all
four western Canadian provinces, and his
hope is it will encourage people to visit
different craft regions this summer, should
travel restrictions permit.
“It is amazing. We have been getting
correspondence from breweries and dis-tilleries
across Western Canada that have
opened in 2021,” he said. “We started with
over 500 producers on our directory. I
think we will have hundreds more by the
end of this year.”
Photos courtesy of Enjoy Craft
Photos courtesy of Enjoy Craft