the Possibilities
AO Wilson Ltd. helps distilleries throughout the entire production process
Submitted by AO Wilson Ltd.
There are many things to consider
when planning the production of an
alcoholic beverage. From sourcing
raw materials, using the proper equipment
for filtration and filling and last, but not
least – the thing that sets a bottle apart
from all the others – the packaging. Luckily,
AO Wilson can help distilleries throughout
the process.
Once the recipe has been developed,
it’s time for filtration. The process of filtra-tion
will remove impurities (such as coarse
dispersed solids) while protecting the fla-vour
and adds clarity to the appearance
(visible haziness/cloudiness is removed),
as well as enhances the desired taste and
smell of the final product. There are several
products in AO Wilson’s portfolio to help
producers achieve these results.
Filter and clarifying solutions
The high absorption power of BECO
Activated Carbon ACF sheets corrects the
aroma and colour of the spirit.
Alternatives to carbon sheets include:
Carb-Off Deodorizing Carbons (carbon in
a miniTube format, which can be added
to a product to correct sensory defects)
as well as Grandeco Decolourizing
Carbons (carbon in a miniTube format,
which has a highly absorbent capacity for
colourant substances).
BECO Select A Filter Sheets are spe-cialty
filter sheets which specifically target
the haze-causing, long-chain fatty acids
while preserving short-chain fatty acid
esters. These are available in a variety of
sizes and grades.
Pleated Pre Filter Cartridges with
Activated Carbon are ideal for small batch
filtration. These activated carbon infused
filter cartridges are characterized by a very
good absorption capacity of chlorine and
organic compounds. Due to their excel-lent
absorption characteristics, they are
perfect for colour and odour corrections,
which makes this application perfect for
clear spirits.
The still master must also consider the
volume of product that needs to be filtered:
A plate and frame filter is ideal for large vol-ume
filtration, whereas cartridge housings
Photo courtesy of AMR
Twist Off Wax