More Wineries Are
Turning to Concrete
for Fermenting
and Aging Lindsay Risto,
Welcome to the Fall issue of Poured Canada! With harvest season wrapping
up for most, I hope you have some time to enjoy the fruits of your labour
and relax with this issue of Poured Canada. This is an exciting issue for me
as it’s my first since Andrew Harris’ departure to his next chapter. We wish him all the
best, and I look forward to bringing you the news and information you want.
Before Andrew’s departure, he mentioned an emerging trend of using con-crete
tanks during the fermentation process of wine. This absolutely piqued
my interest as previously I had only been aware of wooden barrels for ferment-ing.
Although used for hundreds of years in Europe, concrete tanks fell out of
favour in North America until recently. We caught up with two wineries using
concrete tanks to ferment their wines to discuss the benefits and why they
chose to go with concrete over wood. That story starts on page 16. Despite the
increased weight of the tanks, the environmental sustainability of concrete
tanks surprised me, and may be something for your winery to consider.
Speaking of environmental sustainability, flip to page 24 to learn about
Salmon-Safe, which began in the U.S. in 1996 and since 2001 has been oper-ating
in B.C. It is an eco-certification program that promotes safe farming
practices which benefit salmon and the ecosystems they live in. Since salmon
are considered a bioindicator species, when their populations decline, it’s a
good indication that their ecosystem is in declining health. Ensuring agricul-tural
practices are safe for salmon can help ensure the continued health and
biodiversity of the ecosystems in which we work.
It’s no secret that we work in a male-dominated industry. On a cross-country
road trip of 71 breweries in the U.S., American brewer Teri Fahrendorf
was surprised by the number of women colleagues she met along the way. That
encouraged her to establish the Pink Boots Society in 2008. Eleven years later
and the organization has grown to almost 3,000 members in 94 chapters on
five continents! Head over to page 33 for more information on this organiza-tion
and how to get involved.
You can now find Poured Canada on Facebook and Twitter, please give us
a follow. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered in a future issue, feel free
to drop me a line. I can’t wait to hear your comments and any feedback you
may have.
Lindsay Risto
Poured Canada Editor
FALL 2019 | VOL. 1 NO. 3
Published by
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